Monday, August 31, 2015

Third Visit To Mr.Kartono(Diabetics)

  • Today I took off the bandage and wrap of the stem of banana trees that contain stew betel lef on the right foot Mr.Kartono.Once open I clean it with warm water decoction of betel leaf and then dry it.Look there was one point of wound that bleed might join chipped while opening the bandage.
  • Blood comes out continuosly from the hole that wound pus mixed with blood.I suspect there are definitely errors on a diet he then say to his wife asked wheather he was wrong in consuming food.Turned out to be true he did indeed break them.I advised him to organize and if it is recovered should still regulate his diet.Then I glued the betel leaf stew again close it with the stem of banana trees and wrapped them up with bandage.

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