Friday, August 28, 2015

First Visit To Diabetics Mr.Kartono age 52 years

  • Mr.Kartono suffer from diabetes is already three years.The doctors suggested that his right leg amputated soon because it was very badly from the shank until the finger toes hve rot.
  • He worked as a parking space is not fixed income earners.Since its sick each day just lay down,all activities of eating,drinking,bathing and others can only be done with respect to sleep that should be assisted by another person.
  • His wife work as a housekeeper who earn 20ribu rupiah per day.Since its husband wife he as a breadwinner to raise he three children are still in school.With all the economi limitation his wife patiently and faithfully nursed a sick husband and not immediately heal.For eating alone is difficult especially for the cost of medical treatment of husband.
  • I know families Kartono from a friend who works as a nurses at hospital.Because my friends know my activities often visited the sick to help treatment and happy with social activities.

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